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A shi ite anthology
رده کنگره: ‎B‎P‎ ‎2‎1‎1‎/‎5‎ ‎/‎T‎3‎8‎0
A shi ite anthology
Muhammadi Trust of Great Britain and Northern Ireland، لندن، 1980م.
شرح پدیدآور:
Selected and with a foreword by Muhammad Husayn tabataba i; translated with explanatory notes by William C. chittick, under the direction of and with an introduction by Hossein Nasr

اشراف: دکتر سید حسین نصر
قطع: پالتويى
نوع جلد: شومیز
کتابنامه:ص.142 - 143.